Monday, May 31, 2010

Michael Schumacher in Kerpen lets off steam

Kerpen - stimulus figure Schumi! In Italy, the scapegoat for the Ferrari margins ("Schumacher a ghost"), omitted the super-advisor to a justification.
And on the next race in China (Sunday, 9 clock) and Bahrain (April 26). Spokeswoman Sabine Kehm, "He makes his family a few days off."
EXPRESS know where: in Kerpen on the kart! Where else should an Easter trip to go to the Race like? Motto: If true de Kart Familich ...
We meet a dazzling humored F1 pensioners, with the bold sunglasses for cycling without bodyguards on a mountain bike through the paddocks. Schumi is the young viewers tips and autographs. And then the record is itself a champion fan on the grandstand, he looks next to his father Rolf and his girlfriend Barbara to the offspring. For the Bambini Challenge finally drove his talents and KSM team.
And Schumi lets off steam but still: With relish, he smokes a big cigar and treats herself to a beer. Truly beautiful than to stand as a "lifeguard" at the command post Ferrari ...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rescue, thanks to phone

Düsseldorf -
was only thanks to their phone and detective dexterity of employees to the fire control station on 1 Christmas Day, a 58-year-old woman will be saved. She had suffered a stroke.
The woman had collapsed on Friday morning at 7.40 clock in her apartment with a brain hemorrhage. She made it yet to come to their phone.
But because of the stroke she could barely articulate. The staff at the control center were trying to close out the word fragments in some way, where is the apartment of the woman.
It took 6 minutes, until the firefighters were safe. They sent their colleagues for a house on the street in Delle Unterbach. They looked through the window the woman lying on the ground.
Now they beat a window, pulled out the woman and took her to the university hospital. Without the help of the 58-year-old would soon be dead.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"Now we have to beat Frankfurt"

Cologne - 73 minutes held Faryd Mondragon (38) as the devil. But when the levees broke against Wolfsburg, even the FC-keeper went in with - and later sat on the stone gate post.
The day after the bankruptcy of the 1:3-Colombians his fighting spirit, however, had been on wiedergefunden.Mondi ...
... His Wolfsburg conclusion: "In general, we have made a good game, showed a good attitude. Up to 1:1, we were also focused properly and had two clear chances before itself, in order to achieve the 2:0. If Poldi perhaps makes the shed, the game went. "
Wome ... unlucky: "Right now we just out of luck. As in Dortmund we have already caught an own goal, this time by Pierre. Two own-goals in two games - that's happened to me in my career, never ... "
... The next home game: "wailing use is now nothing. Now we have to beat Frankfurt. Then everything is back to normal. "
... Youssef Mohamad: "Dodo has played fantastic. With the defensive players, I was generally satisfied. I felt very safe. "
... The issue of new arrivals, "Mr. Meier and do make the board all in this respect. Two weeks time we still have. "

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kracher Christ in the stomach with a lot of anger

Dusseldorf - He had in the midfield cast spoiled for choice, Fortune coach Norbert Meier were the losers from the Cup-Ko Eating in a new opportunity. Captain Andreas Lambertz ("The victory is a relief, now counted only the points"), it thanked the coach for a long period of suffering because of various injuries determined by sliding tackle with the ball before the conquest, 1-0, dribbling and many rustic duels. The winger sat down - at least temporarily - well staged.
But Ahmet Cebe, who had already after 26 seconds the lead in the setbacks, failed to Kickers goalkeeper salt, Olivier Caillas hammered the ball just off the post.
"Vacuum cleaner" Stephan winner admitted on sound, built until after the change - and was replaced by Coach Meier by match-winner Marco Christ. He was just five minutes into the game (with a lot of anger in the stomach), heart, and banged Fortuna took the final 2-0 on the road to victory. Caillas: "We have done after the door very hard, perhaps, some thought that that would be the decision. There must be discussion. "

Friday, May 7, 2010

Girls (15) raped, despite witnesses Note

Bonn - Bonn Had Poli cists can save a girl from rape? Eva (15, name changed) had been dragged into Meding Hoven on the open road in a car that was raped for hours by the driver in his apartment.
A witness had been transmitted to the police the license plate. But it did not seem necessary to go to the address holder.
 This would in reviewing all the alarm bells must be ringing. The Opel owner is Chris tian W. (25, name changed) - A convicted sex offender! In 2002 he had raped a 17-year-old, was sentenced to three years youth custody.
"We examine whether in this initial phase - in addition to the investigation initiated immediately - all necessary measures have been taken," said police spokesman Frank Piontek. What exactly is expired on the evening of the abduction, which officials were informed about what?
On 28 February against 22.30 clock pulled the petite Eva Christian W. "On the Meding Hovener Castle" in his car. He had posed as a policeman, who should carry out a persons control. A witness alerted the police, took down the flag. According EXPRESS information officers then led through a short-range investigation. When they found anyone, they drove back - while Eve went through hell!
Tied up, gagged and blindfolded W. abducted her to his house near Euskirchen, in which he had moved in August 2008. For 18 hours he should have kept the young Bonnerin there and repeatedly raped! "He boasted of his deeds," says her father. Two girls he abused in a barn, a 17-year-old who he had tormented with a Stun. "And now that he had such a good lawyer, who would even rausholen after a murder."
Furthermore, Christian W. had his daughter by a 13-year-old says, because he was not convicted. The story had caused a stir nationally in summer 2008: The police took the girl from northern Germany from a house in the Eifel region in which W. was living with his mother.
And now Eva. After the fact, the 25-year-old drove her back to Meding Hoven - without the blindfold. Eva did not forget the path that led shortly afterwards the police to his house, where he was arrested. 18 hours too late ...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The President drivers from Bornheim

Bonn - In May, stands at the next Federal President. Even Peter van den Berg (65) is curious to see who it is - it remains Horst Köhler, or it will Gesine Schwan?
Previously, he was still tense, because the Bornheimer drove from 1972 to 1996 five different bosses - the President Gustav Heinemann (1969 to 1974), Walter Scheel (1974 to 1979), Karl tens Cars (1979 to 1984), Richard von Weizsäcker (1984 - 1994) and Roman Herzog (1994 to 1999).
How is the driver of the President? "I knew the personal assistant of Heinemann, he recommended me." And then he completed special driving courses and safety training. "But can things like privacy and discretion can not learn that you have to bring that."
Had many wonderful experiences van den Berg, how many trips abroad, where he was with the delegation of the President. "Particularly impressive was the visit to Walter Scheel to Pope Paul VI. in the Vatican. "
But the driver took his "bosses" not only to work. With Roman Herzog, he had also controlling one or the other snack bar. The Federal President a sweet tooth? "I would say it this way: He was a great lover of food." Diplomatic we can not express well.