Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"Now we have to beat Frankfurt"

Cologne - 73 minutes held Faryd Mondragon (38) as the devil. But when the levees broke against Wolfsburg, even the FC-keeper went in with - and later sat on the stone gate post.
The day after the bankruptcy of the 1:3-Colombians his fighting spirit, however, had been on wiedergefunden.Mondi ...
... His Wolfsburg conclusion: "In general, we have made a good game, showed a good attitude. Up to 1:1, we were also focused properly and had two clear chances before itself, in order to achieve the 2:0. If Poldi perhaps makes the shed, the game went. "
Wome ... unlucky: "Right now we just out of luck. As in Dortmund we have already caught an own goal, this time by Pierre. Two own-goals in two games - that's happened to me in my career, never ... "
... The next home game: "wailing use is now nothing. Now we have to beat Frankfurt. Then everything is back to normal. "
... Youssef Mohamad: "Dodo has played fantastic. With the defensive players, I was generally satisfied. I felt very safe. "
... The issue of new arrivals, "Mr. Meier and do make the board all in this respect. Two weeks time we still have. "