Friday, May 7, 2010

Girls (15) raped, despite witnesses Note

Bonn - Bonn Had Poli cists can save a girl from rape? Eva (15, name changed) had been dragged into Meding Hoven on the open road in a car that was raped for hours by the driver in his apartment.
A witness had been transmitted to the police the license plate. But it did not seem necessary to go to the address holder.
 This would in reviewing all the alarm bells must be ringing. The Opel owner is Chris tian W. (25, name changed) - A convicted sex offender! In 2002 he had raped a 17-year-old, was sentenced to three years youth custody.
"We examine whether in this initial phase - in addition to the investigation initiated immediately - all necessary measures have been taken," said police spokesman Frank Piontek. What exactly is expired on the evening of the abduction, which officials were informed about what?
On 28 February against 22.30 clock pulled the petite Eva Christian W. "On the Meding Hovener Castle" in his car. He had posed as a policeman, who should carry out a persons control. A witness alerted the police, took down the flag. According EXPRESS information officers then led through a short-range investigation. When they found anyone, they drove back - while Eve went through hell!
Tied up, gagged and blindfolded W. abducted her to his house near Euskirchen, in which he had moved in August 2008. For 18 hours he should have kept the young Bonnerin there and repeatedly raped! "He boasted of his deeds," says her father. Two girls he abused in a barn, a 17-year-old who he had tormented with a Stun. "And now that he had such a good lawyer, who would even rausholen after a murder."
Furthermore, Christian W. had his daughter by a 13-year-old says, because he was not convicted. The story had caused a stir nationally in summer 2008: The police took the girl from northern Germany from a house in the Eifel region in which W. was living with his mother.
And now Eva. After the fact, the 25-year-old drove her back to Meding Hoven - without the blindfold. Eva did not forget the path that led shortly afterwards the police to his house, where he was arrested. 18 hours too late ...