Sunday, April 25, 2010

Airport strike: 30 flights affected

Dusseldorf - shock at the airport on Monday morning: Some 250 Lufthansa employees have desBodenpersonals participated in einemvierstündigen warning strike at Duesseldorf airport.
Overall, about 30 flights were delayed or had failed, said a spokesman for the services union ver.di. Betroffenvon the strike action had dieLuftfracht including the switches, as well as the technology and the service was.
The ver.di spokesman for Dusseldorf announced further warning strikes. Already inder last week it had a temporary walkout desBodenpersonals given at the Hamburg airport.
   verdi calls for the workers an income increase of9, 8 percent. Lufthansa had offered modified two-stage Erhöhungenvon 3.4 and 2.1 percent for a period of 19 months.
The second round of negotiations between ver.di and demUnternehmen was inconclusive abgebrochenworden last Wednesday.
Both sides want to trade information on 1 Julieinen new agreement attempts Enterprises.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Fiat 500 - the heartbreaker on four wheels

He is a macho. A small with a giant ego, makes the best, "topless" play its power packs.
A macho in front of the women have to fear anything. Although the Fiat 500C (convertible), your heart breaks (if it needs to release it again), but he was previously a 1-A-lover on the asphalt.
Whopping 100 horsepower make the retro Knutschkugel a brisk road-racer - and because he has just the cult status of its predecessors from the good old 50s, he is a real eye-catcher at every traffic light. For pedestrians and other motorists.
Unfortunately, he - like so many other red-blooded macho - is sensitive to cold, which is why the opening of the hood (goes automatically, it takes 16 seconds) when winter temperatures are not recommended. Unless you have to take the Christmas tree for composting plant.
Video entitled
Speaking of macho: roars from the cylinder an ingeniously Redesigned sound, you'd think the car is twice as large. But size is perhaps the strength in the interior of the retreaded "Topolino" - even grown men can be far beyond the 1.90-meter in the "little mouse" sit, without dislocating the knee and slipped on.
The boot, however, defies description, a medium sized handbag along with replacement shoes to find a place. Nothing more. Since the macho is spartan - despite the Italian sun in your heart! And the C-pillar is so pretentious big advised that before the turn two extensive shoulder views should be!
Compensate for the interior design with clean lines and a penchant for car interiors, an easy handling in the corners and crisp gearshift. All in all, sympathetic, powerful pleasure-Large, nestled at the woman with delight in the taut leather seats! Ciao, bello!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I was well-paid parking attendant

Cologne - My first money I earned with their own cars. I must have been ten or twelve years old. I was in a parking lot at the Cologne stadium riders in action and took care of the cars of the guests.
Major sporting events have fascinated me as a boy. As it happened, of course, a good thing that my father organized horse shows. Ganz klasse was when the dressage was Josef Neckermann, who later became chairman of the German Sports Aid, to Cologne.
For the Limousine I have already booked in advance a particularly good place in the shade.
The great athlete was also a generous person. The reward even with my use of ten marks. Typically, revenues fell far more modest. Time it was 20 Pfennig, 50 Pfennig times. When it came up even once a mark.
That was during my "second pillar" similar. I made myself useful as a delivery boy in the neighborhood. We lived in Marienburg, and there was hardly any shops.
So I booted after Bayenthal and I shopped for the people. All that I earned, I put in my piggy bank. My dream at that time was a Porsche. For this, I saved every penny. My big moment as a "young entrepreneurs" suggested as an ex-Empress Soraya moved into our neighborhood.
Over many months, hundreds of journalists from around the world was before the House position. For which I then purchased. The could not have gone, also knew each other in the area not available at all. "
I was parking attendant>
I sold candles for a good cause>
I was Heizungsableser>
I cleaned latrines for 25 pfennig on the day>
I was a shoe salesman in "Kämpgen">

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Narumol fans can print shirts

There are indeed men who keep one at first sight, for so fiery, like a freezer.
Josef Bauer, for example. Awkward ungeküsst - and with 48 years. Someone who will always stand in the disco where the miners are long gone to rub shoulders.
But we know that still waters run deep. Especially in "Farmer Wants a Wife." And because Joseph's Narumol not just to impress with beauty, he puts his whole world, at least the Bavarian, at his feet.
Buy a dirndl, invites you to romantic dinner, give her the keys to the house - and certainly to his heart.
"Ikk got a lot of love for him," sobbed Thai Narumol then expected. And as multi-cultural - Catholicism and Buddhism - so beautiful harmony, the two are now the new cult pair on RTL.
T-shirts with slogans such as "Ikk fight through - we love Narumol" running great. The 44-year-old understands the world anymore. But the state has become accustomed to by now: "From the 100 words that speaks Josef, I know about five."

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Atom is chief lobbyist radiation protectors

        Photo: ddp
        Berlin --
Power of the federal government a goat for a gardener? Environment Minister Norbert Röttgen (CDU) wants to leave the reactor a nuclear lobbyists.
Henne is the future, Gerald Höfer responsible for Germany's nuclear power plants.
The job was the 62-year-old already: In 1994, he was right hand of the then Environment Minister Angela Merkel. Their successors Jürgen Trittin (Greens) put him on the air. Henne Höfer went as a manager in the nuclear industry, energy companies later defended against citizen initiatives. And now returning to the old workplace.
"At least negligence is" the former Environment Minister Trittin: "This borders on political felt. This Personnel has only one message: the energy policy in Germany is again determined by E. ON, RWE, and company. "
The outraged Trittin to EXPRESS: hurt, "This decision striking the requirement of independence of the Atomic Energy Administration. We can not entrust a former general representative in charge of the facilities operated by him previously. "
Who is Gerald Hoefer hen? Angela Merkel took 15 years ago on the expertise of lawyers. In the scandal involving contaminated nuclear tank he held the young environment minister at the time back free. After the election victory of red, green, and his deposition hen Hoefer joined as chief representative to the energy company Viag, now E. ON, which negotiated for the atomic Viag consensus to pressure from red-green, the maturities of nuclear limited. In 2004 he went to the bar in Berlin.
In the future will take care of hen Höfer issues of disposal. And, quite tricky: it is to safety standards over the power plant operators represented - that of his previous clients. Now that Röttgen zurückholt Merkel confidant, surprise a week after the minister had responded atomskeptisch.