Dusseldorf - shock at the airport on Monday morning: Some 250 Lufthansa employees have desBodenpersonals participated in einemvierstündigen warning strike at Duesseldorf airport.
Overall, about 30 flights were delayed or had failed, said a spokesman for the services union ver.di. Betroffenvon the strike action had dieLuftfracht including the switches, as well as the technology and the service was.
The ver.di spokesman for Dusseldorf announced further warning strikes. Already inder last week it had a temporary walkout desBodenpersonals given at the Hamburg airport.
verdi calls for the workers an income increase of9, 8 percent. Lufthansa had offered modified two-stage Erhöhungenvon 3.4 and 2.1 percent for a period of 19 months.
The second round of negotiations between ver.di and demUnternehmen was inconclusive abgebrochenworden last Wednesday.
Both sides want to trade information on 1 Julieinen new agreement attempts Enterprises.