Photo: ddp
Berlin --
Power of the federal government a goat for a gardener? Environment Minister Norbert Röttgen (CDU) wants to leave the reactor a nuclear lobbyists.
Henne is the future, Gerald Höfer responsible for Germany's nuclear power plants.
The job was the 62-year-old already: In 1994, he was right hand of the then Environment Minister Angela Merkel. Their successors Jürgen Trittin (Greens) put him on the air. Henne Höfer went as a manager in the nuclear industry, energy companies later defended against citizen initiatives. And now returning to the old workplace.
"At least negligence is" the former Environment Minister Trittin: "This borders on political felt. This Personnel has only one message: the energy policy in Germany is again determined by E. ON, RWE, and company. "
The outraged Trittin to EXPRESS: hurt, "This decision striking the requirement of independence of the Atomic Energy Administration. We can not entrust a former general representative in charge of the facilities operated by him previously. "
Who is Gerald Hoefer hen? Angela Merkel took 15 years ago on the expertise of lawyers. In the scandal involving contaminated nuclear tank he held the young environment minister at the time back free. After the election victory of red, green, and his deposition hen Hoefer joined as chief representative to the energy company Viag, now E. ON, which negotiated for the atomic Viag consensus to pressure from red-green, the maturities of nuclear limited. In 2004 he went to the bar in Berlin.
In the future will take care of hen Höfer issues of disposal. And, quite tricky: it is to safety standards over the power plant operators represented - that of his previous clients. Now that Röttgen zurückholt Merkel confidant, surprise a week after the minister had responded atomskeptisch.