Cologne - My first money I earned with their own cars. I must have been ten or twelve years old. I was in a parking lot at the Cologne stadium riders in action and took care of the cars of the guests.
Major sporting events have fascinated me as a boy. As it happened, of course, a good thing that my father organized horse shows. Ganz klasse was when the dressage was Josef Neckermann, who later became chairman of the German Sports Aid, to Cologne.
For the Limousine I have already booked in advance a particularly good place in the shade.
The great athlete was also a generous person. The reward even with my use of ten marks. Typically, revenues fell far more modest. Time it was 20 Pfennig, 50 Pfennig times. When it came up even once a mark.
That was during my "second pillar" similar. I made myself useful as a delivery boy in the neighborhood. We lived in Marienburg, and there was hardly any shops.
So I booted after Bayenthal and I shopped for the people. All that I earned, I put in my piggy bank. My dream at that time was a Porsche. For this, I saved every penny. My big moment as a "young entrepreneurs" suggested as an ex-Empress Soraya moved into our neighborhood.
Over many months, hundreds of journalists from around the world was before the House position. For which I then purchased. The could not have gone, also knew each other in the area not available at all. "
I was parking attendant>
I sold candles for a good cause>
I was Heizungsableser>
I cleaned latrines for 25 pfennig on the day>
I was a shoe salesman in "Kämpgen">