Monday, April 19, 2010

Fiat 500 - the heartbreaker on four wheels

He is a macho. A small with a giant ego, makes the best, "topless" play its power packs.
A macho in front of the women have to fear anything. Although the Fiat 500C (convertible), your heart breaks (if it needs to release it again), but he was previously a 1-A-lover on the asphalt.
Whopping 100 horsepower make the retro Knutschkugel a brisk road-racer - and because he has just the cult status of its predecessors from the good old 50s, he is a real eye-catcher at every traffic light. For pedestrians and other motorists.
Unfortunately, he - like so many other red-blooded macho - is sensitive to cold, which is why the opening of the hood (goes automatically, it takes 16 seconds) when winter temperatures are not recommended. Unless you have to take the Christmas tree for composting plant.
Video entitled
Speaking of macho: roars from the cylinder an ingeniously Redesigned sound, you'd think the car is twice as large. But size is perhaps the strength in the interior of the retreaded "Topolino" - even grown men can be far beyond the 1.90-meter in the "little mouse" sit, without dislocating the knee and slipped on.
The boot, however, defies description, a medium sized handbag along with replacement shoes to find a place. Nothing more. Since the macho is spartan - despite the Italian sun in your heart! And the C-pillar is so pretentious big advised that before the turn two extensive shoulder views should be!
Compensate for the interior design with clean lines and a penchant for car interiors, an easy handling in the corners and crisp gearshift. All in all, sympathetic, powerful pleasure-Large, nestled at the woman with delight in the taut leather seats! Ciao, bello!